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  • Plant sale - Groundcover

Groundcovers - Low Growing, Spring Ephemerals, & Grasses (varied garden conditions)

Sale Proceeds support the EEA's mission and the Evanston Ecology Center programs. 

    IMPORTANT: SAVE YOUR RECEIPT. After purchasing your plants on-line, print your receipt or save it on your phone. You will need it to collect your plants on May 31 at location TBD. You will be assigned a time slot for your pick-up (by last name alphabetically). This will be clearly posted and you will receive a reminder email close to the sale date. 

    *** Please note: On pick up day, Saturday, May 31. If you are unable to pick up your plants, be sure you have a friend, family member or neighbor who can pick up your plants for you.  Any unclaimed plants will be considered as a donation to the EEA to be given to a local community or public park garden. Locations still to be determined. Thank you for your understanding, we are a 100% volunteer organization. ***                                                                                                                                                          

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