Sunny Dry Monarch Native Garden Plants
Multi-Purpose Wet or Average Native Garden Plants
Woodland Wildflowers Semi-Shade Native Garden Plants
Groundcovers - Low Growing, Spring Ephemerals, and Grasses
Online sales are now live and will be available until Tuesday, May 27. Collect your pre-sorted plants on Saturday, May 31 12:30-4pm. (Want to volunteer: help us pre-sort plants on Thursday, May 29 & Friday May 30th. Email us:
Pick up will be at City of Evanston's James Park Fieldhouse Parking Lot, enter off of Dodge Ave. at the South end of the park directly across from Mulford Street at the light. Drive west to the end of that access road to the pick-up area. Parking will be clearly marked the day of the sale. Bring boxes or bags to collect your plants. Plug orders will be in flat segments for easy transportation.
The sale is organized so that you can select plant communities that will build habitat for diverse native insects and birds. We are highlighting certain native plants that support the endangered Rusty Patched Bumble Bee (RPBB), which relies on them. They are also great plants for wildlife other than the RPBB: any plants listed in the store below with *RPBB* by their names will help the Rusty Patched Bumble Bee. Ultimately we want to achieve a richly diverse natural habitat in our City of Evanston and beyond!
All wildflowers will be sold and distributed as plugs or 3" containers.
Shrubs and trees will be sold in #2 gallon - #5 gallon pots, ranging from 18" - 36" tall.
Sale Proceeds support the EEA's missions to help plant our shared parks and schools with native plants and support the Evanston Ecology Center and its programs.
SAVE YOUR RECEIPT. Please print your receipt or save it on your phone. You will need it to collect your plants on May 31, 2025 at James Park Fieldhouse parking lot.
All plants must be picked up on Saturday, May 31, 2025 between 12:30 PM - 4:00 PM. You may have someone else pick up your plants for you if you will not be available. Any unclaimed plants will be considered a donation to the EEA to be given to a local community or public garden. Thank you for your understanding. We are a 100% volunteer organization.
Be a Part of Growing Native Gardens in Evanston