By sponsoring Nature's Night Out, businesses and organizations can promote their brand to the local community while giving a boost to the Evanston Ecology Center. Extensive promotion of Nature's Night Out will occur throughout Evanston and other nearby communities via social media, print ads and articles, email blasts, websites and other media. Additionally, sponsors can interact with attendees, including community leaders and local residents passionate about the environment, on the night of the event.
Presenting Sponsorship - Only One Available ($2,000)
- All promotional copy (ads, social media, email blasts, press releases, etc.) will state “Nature’s Night Out is presented by [Your Organization’s Name]”
- At the event:
- Complimentary booth
- First choice of booth location
- Booth signage indicating sponsorship level
- Most prominent display of logo on two sponsor posters
- Thanked during public presentation
- Logo displayed all year round on the EEA website’s Nature’s Night Out page and event sponsor directory page (with hyperlink to sponsor website)
- Organization receives an EEA Corporate Membership (worth $250) – this supports the EEA, provides discounts for the organization’s employees/members to attend EEA events, and displays your organization logo on the Corporate Membership slide on the EEA home page for a year
- Organization highlighted in a City of Evanston digital campaign to promote the event that includes email blasts, Facebook postings, and Tweets
- Logo prominently displayed in ½ page Evanston RoundTable color print ad
- Logo prominently displayed on 3 large banners for approximately 2 weeks prior to the event – 1 at event and 2 in other prominent Evanston locations
- Your organization is thanked with all other sponsors in a post-event EEA email blast and social media post
- Option to have a handout distributed to attendees at check-in desk
- Five complimentary tickets to the event (worth $325)
Gold Sponsor ($1,000)
- At the event:
- Complimentary booth
- Booth signage
- Prominent display of logo on three sponsor posters
- Thanked during public presentation (Financial Sponsors only)
- Logo displayed all year round on the EEA website’s Nature’s Night Out page and event sponsor directory page (with hyperlink to sponsor website)
- (Financial Sponsors only) Organization receives an EEA Corporate Membership (worth $250) – this supports the EEA, provides discounts for the organization’s employees/members to attend EEA events when admission purchased by the organization , and displays your organization logo on the Corporate Membership slide on the EEA home page for a year (Financial Sponsors only)
- Organization highlighted in a City of Evanston digital campaign to promote the event that includes email blasts, Facebook postings, and Tweets
- Logo displayed in ½ page Evanston RoundTable color print ad
- Logo prominently displayed on 3 large banners for approximately 2 weeks prior to the event – 1 at event and 2 in other prominent Evanston locations
- Your organization is thanked with all other sponsors in a post-event EEA email blast and social media post
- Four complimentary tickets to the event (worth $260)
Silver Sponsor ($500)
- At the event:
- Complimentary booth
- Booth signage indicating sponsorship level
- Display of logo on two sponsor posters
- Logo displayed all year round on the EEA website’s Nature’s Night Out page and event sponsor directory page (with hyperlink to sponsor website)
- Logo prominently displayed on 3 large banners for approximately 2 weeks prior to the event – 1 at event and 2 in other prominent Evanston locations
- Your organization is thanked with all other sponsors in a post-event email blast and social media post
- Three complimentary tickets to the event (worth $195)
Bronze Sponsor ($250)
- At the event:
- Ability to place marketing materials on a shared bronze sponsor marketing table
- Signage for shared table indicating sponsorship level
- Display of logo on two sponsor posters
- Logo displayed all year round on the EEA website’s Nature’s Night Out page and event sponsor directory page (with hyperlink to sponsor website)
- Your organization is thanked with all other sponsors in a post-event email blast and social media post
- Two complimentary tickets to the event (worth $130)
Partner (In-Kind Support)
In-kind sponsorship packages will be customized based on the dollar equivalent of the donation.