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  • Elderberry - Sambucus canadensis

Elderberry - Sambucus canadensis

$46.00 - Member price
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Elderberry feeds diverse wildlife and humans. The pollen attracts a variety of insects, including honeybees, little carpenter bees, flies, and beetles. Little bees tunnel into the soft pith of broken stems. Many birds eat the small fruits, including Cardinals, Catbirds, House Finches, Thrushes, Vireos and Native Sparrows. A deciduous shrub, elderberry is usually multistemmed with arching branches and a broad crown. The flowers have a strong, sweet fragrance with musty overtones, and produce dark, sweet berries with a slightly bitter aftertaste. The roots are shallow and spread by rhizomes. Soil Type: Clay/Loam/Sand Soil Conditions: Moist-Average Flower Color: White Flower Time: June-July Height: 4-12' Light: Sun/Part-Sun Features: Rain Garden, Birds, Pollinators, Larval Host Credits: Photo/Image and info:

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